First Sign of Sanctions Biting Adds to Exporting Uncertainty: Monthly UK Exporter Monitor, April 2022
The outlook for the coming months looks difficult for UK exporters, especially given the current geopolitical situation. Our projections suggest that there could be a mild uptick during May, however, the June and July forecasts show that exporter counts will flat-line at best; at worst, any May growth will be short-lived.
How Automated ESG Scoring Will Help Banks and Businesses Navigate Impending Regulations
Since the UN announced the Paris Agreement in 2015, analysts and commentators have discussed the many implications of the underlying aims across global industries. During COP26 at the end of 2021, there was an urgency to maintain momentum as the 2030 deadline looms closer. Time is running short for a solution, and automated ESG scoring technology offers a valuable mechanism for the industry to move forward with an intuitive scoring system that works to help banks and businesses avoid penalties from regulators and manage reputation in a true and objective way.
What are the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals & What do they mean for ESG Regulation in Banks and Businesses?
In essence, any resolution to the problem means moving from punitive solutions to ones that “nudge” behaviours. This resolution means taking our aspirations and goals to deliverable and measurable actions. In essence, the UN has outlined exactly ‘What’ we need to measure to become globally sustainable and has given us guidelines from which we can map all ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) activity.
Banks can make a difference by preferentially pricing ESG products: ITFA & Coriolis Technologies White Paper
ITFA ESG Committee White Paper in conjunction with Coriolis Technologies – The wake-up call to action is clear: banks can make a difference by preferentially pricing ESG-compliant products. However,until we know exactly what ESG measurement is, this will be extremely difficult to achieve.This paper sets out the needsof the financial services community as well as a suggested solution.
ESG Regulation Tracker and Deadlines
The Paris Agreement states that “To stay below 1.5 °C of global warming, emissions need to be cut by roughly 50% by 2030”. Everyone, from policymakers and regulators to banks and investors will need to understand the symbiosis between the planet, economic activity and economic development. This is an age-old geopolitical problem in the true sense of the word – a conflict over resources between nations, social groups and individuals, and the failure to resolve it is perhaps because of its intractable and universal nature.
A mild improvement in exports masks ongoing market turmoil: Quarterly UK Exporter Monitor, Q1 2022
A mild pick up in the UK’s month-on-month exporter counts and revenues in March 2022 masks a more worrying picture of the impact of Brexit on exporters over the past 12 months. Exporter counts and revenues have gone up by 2.33% and 2.99% respectively across all UK regions in March 2022 compared to February 2022.
However, using a 12-month moving average, the numbers of exporters has dropped by 0.6%, their revenues by 0.7% and their employment by 1.3% and comes on the back of declines in February and projected declines in May and June after a small projected increase in April.
Downside Risks to UK Exporter Employment: Monthly UK Exporter Monitor, March 2022
Exporter counts and revenues have gone up by 2.33% and 2.99% respectively across all UK regions in March 2022 compared to February 2022. However, this is roughly half the growth rate we predicted in our last forecast reflecting the downside risks and in no sense goes far enough to correct the down
Coriolis Technologies to integrate interplanetary activity tracking into trade software
Coriolis Technologies, a leading provider of trade software, is further advancing its global trade tracking software to accommodate interplanetary trade metrics.
Why Bankers and Traders Need to be Aware of ESG and Sustainability
Over the last ten years, ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) has slowly become one of the most critical factors for companies to consider when making business decisions and strategising for the future. For banks and traders, it covers a range of factors, from a company’s carbon dioxide footprint to its labour practices and policies to corruption. Research is increasingly showing that companies with a strong focus on improving their ESG impact and operating more sustainably achieve greater financial results.
Coriolis Technologies and the Institute of Export & International Trade launch real-time sanctions tracker
Coriolis Technologies and the Institute of Export and International Trade have partnered to launch an online sanctions tracker for exporting businesses anywhere in the world to help them navigate the complexity of the export restrictions imposed on trade with Russia, and Belarus, in the last few weeks.